Monday, January 19, 2009

The Festival

I guess I should mention the country music festival, not that I'm interested in country music but it takes over the town every January. I remember as a kid growing up here watching the cavalcade on Saturday morning. (The 'beautification' of Peel st changed it a bit when they put a median strip down the middle of the road.) There was even one time when Jen my little sister and I got to go on a float. It was a buttercup truck, we sat on hay bales and all wore tshirts for buttercup, that we got to keep. There was packets of chips I think, and cans of soft drink for us in an eski. A few years later we found a post card with the truck on it. The postcard had other pictures of Tamworth and we were too small to recognise but I kept the card.
Another thing I remember is lying in bed at night listening to music from the Oasis Hotel up the road. You couldn't usually hear music but they turn it up for the festival. I wouldn't want to live any closer.


  1. yeah i remember that too, wasn't there someone famous on your float. Reading about the cavalcade reminds me how hot it is in jan in tam!!! And how it floods sometimes and all those people in tents get wet, did it rain this year?

  2. It did rain but not to flood, though it has been humid. I had forgotten about the famous guy, he sang a song called 'Im a koala not a bear' Don Alister?
