Saturday, February 14, 2009

ed... words

As I have been looking though the dictionary as I try the crosswords I have found some interesting words. Like eddy which is a small whirlpool or smoke moving like a small whirlpool. Then a white-flowered alpine plant - edelweiss is the next entry. It follows on to have Eden (Adam and Eve's original place) and edentate which is without teeth. I wonder if I can put these into a sentance or short story?
As the couple walked along the river bed they noticed an eddy in the water where the small creek joined the river. Around this area were edelweiss' in bloom refecting the snow that was around in winter. She said 'This is a great place to bring up children, seems just like eden,' she stroked her rounded tummy, 'I wonder how long our baby will be edentate? when will he start teething?' He replies ' We can worry about that when it comes.'

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